

This checklist should be used by contractors new to government contracting, that have cost reimbursement contracts, or contractors that are receiving progress payments, to document how their accounting system is designed to meet the SF 1408 criteria. The completed checklist is then used by DCAA auditors in the performance of a Pre-award Accounting System Survey to gain an understanding of how the company's system is designed to meet the criteria.

Preaward Accounting System Adequacy Checklist

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  • Right Click on the Preaward Accounting System Adequacy Checklist
  • Then click on Save target as menu option, save the file in a location you have access to
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  • Select the Open option by clicking the Open Button
  • After you open the file, click the Enable All Features button in the top right corner of page
  • This will allow you to enter data in the Preaward Accounting System Adequacy Checklist