The DCAA Hotline provides a confidential avenue for individuals to report allegations of Fraud, Waste, and Abuse or Gross Mismanagement as well as other wrongdoings pertaining to programs, personnel, and operations that fall under the purview of the DCAA. Anyone may file a complaint with the DCAA Hotline. The DCAA Hotline is administered and managed by the DCAA Office of Inspector General (OIG).

DCAA Hotline can only accept UNCLASSIFIED complaints on this website.

However, instructions for submitting a classified complaint are contained on the DODIG website. Please visit the CLASSIFIED COMPLAINTS PAGE for more information.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Consistent with the requirements of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, it is DCAA policy thatDCAA OIG personnel not disclose the identity of an individual submitting a complaint or information to the DCAA Hotline unless the individual consents to such disclosure, or the DCAA Inspector General determines that such disclosure is otherwise unavoidable in order to address time sensitive or time critical issues contained in the information provided by the complainant. Such circumstances may include a matter involving a specific danger to health, safety, or a national security issue.

You are not required to identify yourself when submitting a DCAA Hotline complaint. In addition to filing anonymously (where you do not give the DCAA Hotline any identifying information), you may also indicate your election of consent or non-consent to disclosure.

Matters Which May Be Resolved Via Different Channels

Certain matters may be better resolved through other channels, instead of the DCAA Hotline. A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)identify matters which are NOT generally investigated by the DCAA OIG.

DCAA Hotline Pamphlet and Poster

DCAA Hotline pamphlet: You will need Adobe Reader to view the pamphlet

DCAA Hotline poster: You will need Adobe Reader to view the poster

Submitting a Complaint

You can call the DCAA Hotline toll free in the US at 1-855-414-5892 or internationally at 001-703-767-0121 (international charges may apply).  Please be prepared to provide details regarding Who did What, To Whom, When, Where, and in violation of What statute or regulation? Alternatively, you can submit your complaint by one of the below methods: