News Stories

Sept. 28, 2021

Petty Award Presented to Ms. Cynthia Cannon

Ms. Cynthia Cannon was presented with DCAA's highest award for an auditor, the Petty Award, in a virtual ceremony.

Sept. 15, 2021

Continuing the Family Tradition of Service

Supervisory Auditor Christine White of the Hampton Roads Branch Office continue her family's tradition of service. She is the fifth member of her family to work for the United States government.

Sept. 1, 2021

Office Renovations Continue in Spite of Pandemic

DCAA’s Facilities and Space Management Branch has continued office renovations during the pandemic completing the renovation in the Lowell, Mass office and starting work at the Smyrna, Ga. office. When complete, the renovated office have new ergonomic furniture and break, well, lactation and training rooms.

Aug. 25, 2021

U.S. Defense Contractor and Employees Sentenced for Procurement Fraud Scheme

DCAA auditors assisted in the investigation of procurement fraud that resulted in prison sentences for the owner and four employees of Iris Kim, Inc., a defense contractor.

Aug. 18, 2021

Coastal Branch Office Improves Auditor Performance through Virtual Staff Conference

The Coastal Branch Office, located near Greensboro, N.C., conducted a virtual staff conference to provide refresher training to their workforce. Guest speakers along with several internal to the office led discussions on seven topics. The conference closed with a discussion of the fiscal year 21 (FY21) goals.

Aug. 4, 2021

Auditor Provides Exceptional Support to the Defense Criminal Investigative Service

DCAA auditor Andy Hale received a Letter and Certificate of Appreciation for his significant contributions in a Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) investigation of alleged contracting violations.

July 26, 2021

Audit Team Wins Department of Defense Financial Management Award

DCAA’s sub-office in Greenville, SC received the DoD Comptroller’s Award for Contributions to Financial Management (excluding Budget) in a virtual ceremony on July 22, 2021. Team member Jad DeLoache stated, “I am honored to receive this award. There are many excellent government teams accomplishing valuable work so it means a great deal for our

July 21, 2021

56 Years of Auditing - Paper and Pencil to Laptop

How does auditing today compare to the experience of DCAA’s first auditors?  In the 1960’s, paper and pencils ruled the workplace. Contractors would deliver their General Ledger, a voluminous book documenting their costs for the year, to their DCAA office. The auditors would use 14 column paper to document and analyze the costs. If it was a large

July 13, 2021

Onboarding Then and Now

Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of articles highlighting DCAA's history.Those who join DCAA today onboard at the Defense Contract Audit Institute (DCAI) in Atlanta, Ga. New employees spend their first two weeks at DCAI where they are issued ID cards, receive laptops, and take their first classes in contract auditing. They then return

July 7, 2021

Wichita Branch Office Supports Air Force Team

DCAA’s Wichita Branch Office received a Letter of Appreciation for their audit work on the Sustaining Engineering and Program Management (SEPM) II proposal for Joint Primary Aircraft Trainer Systems (JPATS) for T-6 aircraft.  The audit team worked extensively on audits and provided negotiation support from April 2020 through March 2021 as the Air