News Stories

June 2, 2023

Outstanding Supervisors Recognized by Director

At the recent Supervisors Conference, DCAA's Director Terri Dilly, recognized 13 supervisors and conference organizers for their hard work and dedication.

May 30, 2023

Conference Grows Skills

.The May session of the supervisors conference recently concluded in Denton, Texas. The three-day conference focused on developing self, teams and supervisory audit skills.

May 17, 2023

Negotiation Support Leads to Significant Savings for Taxpayers

The Boeing Evergreen Resident Office performed an audit on a $4.4 billion proposal and supported negotiations resulting in $176 million in savings.

May 12, 2023

Museum Tour highlights Importance of DCAA Mission

DCAA’s Director recently visited the RTX Pratt and Whitney Resident Office and RTX Collins Aerospace Resident Office in Hartford and the GD Electric Boat Office in Groton, Connecticut to hear from the audit staff and meet with the leadership teams.

May 2, 2023

Auditors Support Investigation

Roy Nelson, Senior Auditor, and Jeff C. Beck, Supervisory Auditor, reviewed proposal documents and invoice history to identify the proposed part costs and prepared a projected damage analysis for the Department of Justice related to a settlement of $21.8 million.

April 27, 2023

Providing Assistance in Tel Aviv

Katelyn Rigle, Financial Liaison Advisor for the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP), recently traveled to Tel Aviv, Israel, to provide assistance with pre-proposal conferences, training, and guidance.

April 24, 2023

DCAA Director Visits Virginia Tidewater Area Offices

Director Dilly visited the Hampton Roads and Newport News Field Audit Offices and conducted town hall meetings to hear from the staff and discuss her vision for the Agency. During these sessions, she thanked the staff for their hard work, flexibility and professionalism.

April 6, 2023

Mr. Christopher Andrezze Retires after 39 Year Career

Mr. Christopher Andrezze retired on March 31, 2023 after a 39-year career with the Defense Contract Audit Agency. A member of the Senior Executive Service since 2000, he retired from his position as the Corporate Audit Director of the Northrop Grumman Corporate Audit Directorate (CAD).

March 30, 2023

Pharmacist Found Guilty of 22 Felonies Totaling $11 Million in Tricare Fraud

DCAA Supervisory Auditors Mark Saunders, Fei Lincoln, and Technical Specialist Elba Piligrino assisted in a case involving healthcare fraud. Sentencing for this case is scheduled for April 2023.

March 28, 2023

Process Mapping Builds Synergy

Participants from the DCAA and the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) met in Irving, Texas for a week long session focused on process mapping.