Fort Belvoir, Va. –
Part 2: Your resumé and application
We’re back with our DCAA Human Resource Specialist (HRS) extraordinaire in the highly requested second part on how to successfully apply to federal government jobs. In the first part, we got the inside scoop to successfully understand the two main hiring paths DCAA uses, USAJobs and direct hire authority. Now we’ll review some advice that focuses on the resumé and application for both hiring paths.
Help HR find your success
When speaking with our HRS, we inquired what features successful resumés have that helps them make it past the initial screening.
- Thoroughly review the job announcement. Take extra care reviewing the requirements to qualify, the conditions of employment, and the education and specialized experience section to make sure you meet the qualifications for the position.
- Clearly demonstrate you meet the job requirements.
- If the qualifications list, “experienced supervisor of three people or more,” you need to list your experience in full. HR is not allowed to assume. Listing “supervisor” in experiences without further details will not help demonstrate you meet the requirements. Add additional details that show your work, “supervisor of eight people overseeing at least four contracts ranging from $2 million to $6 billion each year.”
- Include comprehensive information throughout your entire resumé.
- Following the theme of adding more details than a typical resumé, clearly list relevant information. If you have your education, list more than “advanced degree.” Include the program and your grade point average (GPA), “Master of Business Administration (GPA: 3.7) Fall 2023.”
- Make sure the years of experience are clearly stated.
- Always include the month and year for each job on your resumé. The “Qualifications” section of a USAJobs posting typically list the minimum required amount of time and experience to meet the minimum requirements for the posted job, “Technical Specialist: June 2015 – August 2023.”
Improve your application to get more job referrals and interviews
If you’re following our advice and still having trouble securing those referral notices and interviews, you may want to give some extra attention to these common areas for improvement.
- Include relevant contact information on your resume. This applies more to direct hire situations, but you can increase your chances of getting a phone call or email from DCAA if you list your phone number and email on your resumé.
- Make sure your resumé is detailed, error-free, and includes all necessary information.
- Have a friend or colleague review your resumé. It’s also helpful to have someone unrelated to your job field review so they can ask questions about technical job descriptions.
- Review how you answer assessment questions. Really make sure your responses align with your qualifications and experience.
In conclusion, the federal job application process requires careful attention to the job posting details and thorough preparation is necessary. By following these tips and continuously refining your application, you can improve your chances of securing an interview and landing that job. Keep applying, gather feedback, and stay persistent and positive in your job search.